
What Is The Most You've Spent On Auto Repair

  1. Well, great news from the garage today...

    I put my motorcar in for a service as I have been thrashing it alot recently, managed to put it downwards a hole, do lx mph on a dirt track, reverse it backwards into a grass mound (offroad) and generally have speed bums at speed.

    Been airborne with it too...

    Well, I put it in for a service to see if there was any damage...and eek, at that place is £500 worth :cry: Apparently in that location is a crevice in the interruption and problems with the brakes (heh?) and one of the wheels. I wish I knew more than about car mechanics and so I could have assessed the damage, all I knew was I had been cruel to the former girl for a while and it was quite probable they'd exist consequences.

    That is more than some peoples cars are worth :crazyeye:

    Well, I suppose it was worth it and all and I won't exist driving like a rally driver for a while. I wonder if I could merits on the car insurance...though I recall that would exist wise as the premium is high plenty :p

    I guess I volition accept to buy less computer games for a while to recuperate the coin I've wasted and stop buying music likewise!

    What is the most you've ever spent on car repairs?

    An paradigm of what my car should look like :D

  2. The most I had to pay was around 2500$ subsequently a crash during the ice tempest on 1998.
    Lucky for me my dad owns a garage and I didn't have to pay for his time on my car, merely the parts.
    I live in the city and most of my family lives 45 minutes to 2 hours from here so I really need a car to see them.
  3. Didn't insurance embrace it?

    $2500 :eek:

  4. I didn't have insurance for my own auto, just for the others. In example of an blow with another car I had insurance for its damage, not mine.
    The car I was driving (a small-scale 91 Honda Civic) wasn't worth spending 800$ dollars in insurance every year. Of course after the accident I wished I had spent that money for it but...I was 18 at the time and didn't have that kind of coin.
  5. i've spent more on a car then it was worth.

    ofcourse i've had cars that were officialy worth less then $one.

    I've spent over $1000 dollars to fix a car that AFTER the repairs was worth about $300.

  6. I bought my blue 1967 FIAT 850 coupe in september 2001. It had no breaking system, a rotten bottom, a very poor engine, a poor working gearbox, and a broke starting engine. In fact, only the body was good.

    I think the whole revision was 4-5000 euros.

    Most expensive was the engine revision, as I could not do that myself: 1500 euros, not counting several extras similar Abarth specified camshaft, Abarth valve springs and an Abarth exhaust.

    The new bottom was 850 euros. This one won't rust :) !

    Last weekend the battery charger bankrupt down. I bought a new ane from a Autobianchi Abarth 112.

    only lx euros......

  7. A lot but for the oil change. :( Nippon is an expensive identify to live in considering the money is very less here
  8. When I heard that it would cost 500 Euros to repair the brakes and lights of my motorcar, I sold it. I somehow regret it, considering it was a actually nice car, and I had been driving without the headlights and proper brakes for some fourth dimension, but it was a unique chance to get some coin for information technology (still got 100 Euros for information technology).


  9. I've put about $3,500 into my Dodge Caravan in the past five years. It's practically a new vehicle since I've replaced and so much of information technology. It just turned over 200,000 miles. Of course I only paid $2000 for it so I think it was a pretty good deal.
  10. let me think, it was 125,000 belgian francs dorsum and so (it would accept been more if i went to an official dealer) and then that would make almost 3,125 euros nowadays (inflation not included off course)
  11. Having never had a automobile, I'll but say what my father's done. Probably the almost expensive repair was to supercede the head gasket and other messed up items at the it might have been $two,000 for those repairs. Notwithstanding, he's spend a lot on other repairs. Ane solar day, when something else went wrong (there was friction to something, probably the brakes or tires as he was breaking), he just said "Screw it!."
  12. I saw that on the Weather Channel. 'Freezing Pelting'... They said a lot of quondam people died the NEXT winter... They figured it had to exercise with the memories of how difficult it had been and they merely couldn't face another go like that... That was something else.

    Well I put $2000 into a car. Broke down in Beaver, UT and I told the guy if he towed it he could go along it. Bastard all the same charged me $15.

  13. Would have been $3000 fixing a bent frame and etc (was rear-ended) but the automobile was merely worth about $2500 and then I took the money towards a newer i.
  14. PAY someone ELSE to work on MY car. What a horrific idea. :cringe:
  15. Turner

    Turner Deity Retired Moderator

    My '94 Plymouth Voyager had about $6000 done in two dissimilar installments. I only had to pay a $200 deductable on the get-go part, nearly $2400 for the tranny that got shot. The rest was paid for by American Family Insurance when their insured decided to drink and drive home one night and crash into my automobile. So while in that location was a lot of money spent on that motorcar, I didn't spend very much of it. Lucky, I guess!
  16. My male parent probably put in $half dozen,000 total on the automobile....information technology was a Lincoln Continental....he bought it used at adept condition, but it was before Ford mentioned that the specific year (1989) was totally screwed up. Got maybe vi or vii years' use out of it.

    Wouldn't have had the car if the One thousand Marquis we had earlier that didn't get jacked.

  17. Had a 1991 Mustang that had the oil pump interruption (pretty easy I hear). I didn't fix information technology soon enough and information technology 'cracked the cake' or any that means. I bought a used motor that had nigh 80,000 miles on it. My car had 109,000 at the time.

    Motor $700 (with 30 day warranty)
    Labor $400

    I considered scrapping the car, simply got the piece of work done and got another 100,000 miles out of information technology. Information technology's probably even so running but the transmission was going out so I gave it abroad.

  18. Flak

    Flak vBülletin Förum

    About $400 for tools and parts to replace a diddled gasket on a Contrivance Ram l. I did the work myself. It was hard grimy piece of work, only I learned alot near my truck and I now accept a pretty much complete set of tools for merely about annihilation I can imagine I'd ever want to practise myself. Although I think from now on, I'll let a mechanic do that kind of piece of work. It was fun, but I took too long and actually fumbled well-nigh with it.
  19. I'm going to spend about 50 euros or so for oilage. Since that'd be the showtime fourth dimension I ever spent coin on a car repair, that would also exist the highest fee ever spent by me.

    I'll continue you posted ;)

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